首页 - 关注 > 重庆设计师周令、唐春斩获“中国新设计师论坛博览会”金奖


发布于:2019-12-20 16:08:00 来源:综合



Recently, on November 24, 2019, the first "China new designer forum Expo" was held in xiong'an new area, Rongcheng fashion industrial park of Beijing Institute of fashion successfully held and awarded awards. Chongqing, Zhou Ling and Tang Chun, two Chongqing designers, won the gold medal of the first "China new designers forum Expo". Meanwhile, five Chongqing designers, including Cao Ming, Miao Qing, Liu Min and Dai Huawei, won silver and bronze awards.

(周令设计师•Zhou Ling Designer)


It is understood that the Grand Prix is composed of design experts, calligraphers, painters, entrepreneurs and members of the news media. A total of 65 members of the jury selected the design projects. The awards presented include two awards, namely "people of the year of China new designer forum Expo" and "enterprise leaders of China new designer forum Expo". The first gold medal was awarded to designers such as Wenzhou, Xia Kejin, Foshan, Zuo Jun, Suzhou, Zhu Wei, Xi'an, Li Xudong, Wenzhou, ye Tiexuan, Foshan, Yang Yuandong, etc.




APSDA 亚太空间设计师协会专业会员


2019德国国家设计奖German Design Award(Special Mention)

2018 德国Iconic Awards创新建筑设计奖

2018 美国IDA国际设计大奖

Current social position of Zhou Ling:

Member of IAD International Association of designers

Member of WDC World Design Alliance

Professional member of APSDA Asia Pacific Space Designers Association


German Design Award (special purpose)

2018 German icon awards innovative architectural design award

2018 IDA International Design Award

(唐春设计师•Tang Chun Designer)






2017年 重庆直辖20年十大豪宅设计脊梁

2017年 亚洲生活美学论坛引言人

2017年 CBDA设计奖最具创新设计师

Tang Chun's current social position:

Senior designer of Chinese architectural decoration

Senior interior decoration and furnishing designer in China

Top 10 high-end villa designers in Chongqing


The backbone of the design of Chongqing's top ten luxury houses in 2017

Forerunner of 2017 Asian life aesthetics Forum

2017 CBDA design award most innovative designer

周令获奖作品《 罗娜瓷砖重庆旗舰店》

Zhou Ling's award winning work "Luona ceramic tile Chongqing flagship store"


Tang Chun's award winning work Jiang run ziyunling


An excellent designer should have the concept of the state, the national spirit, the courage to go on stage to explain works, the courage to accept media interviews and supervision. Chongqing's leading figure designer, Zhou Ling and Tang Chun, two Chongqing designers, won the gold medal of China new designers forum Expo in xiong'an New Area, thus opening their design avenue to the whole country.

