首页 - 关注 > 2021年人民日报重点推荐最具收藏价值艺术名家——吴林文专题报道


发布于:2021-10-20 10:04:00 来源:综合



Culture is an important force for national survival and development. Every leap forward of human society and every sublimation of human civilization are accompanied by the historical progress of culture. The Chinese nation has a civilization history of more than 5000 years. Before modern times, China has always been one of the world powers. In thousands of years of history, the Chinese nation has never been smooth sailing and encountered countless difficulties, but we have survived and come through. One of the most important reasons is that generations of Chinese people have cultivated and developed a unique, broad and profound Chinese culture, which provides a strong spiritual support for the Chinese nation to overcome difficulties and survive. Wu linwen, a famous artist in the art world, has made outstanding contributions in carrying forward China's excellent traditional culture to the world and played an important role in promoting the realization of the Chinese dream of becoming a cultural power.



Wu linwen, from Fengjie County, Chongqing, was born in 1946. He was a child of chengjiaxue. He has been exhibited and won awards in Beijing and Shanghai for many times. Awards and collection of works: his works won the "Innovation Award" in the fourth and fifth contemporary Chinese landscape painting competitions; Won the second prize of Shanghai "Yixiang Cup" Chinese calligraphy, painting and art exhibition; Won the bronze award of the third international "golden goose Award" calligraphy and painting competition; His works have been collected by Soong Ching Ling Foundation, China Talent Research Association, China Federation of literary and art circles and other institutions.


《ountain village moon night》


《Qutang travel》


《Autumn wind》


《Qutang stone rhyme》




《Bashan SHUSHUI》


《Western Sichuan Plateau》


《Source of the great river》


《Morning mist on the river》


《Smoke and clouds at Kuimen》


《Mountain town》


《Magical Tibetan region》


《A journey of ten thousand miles》


《Cool autumn river》


Thank you for your appreciation!

