首页 - 要闻 > 2021年重点推荐最具收藏价值书画名家——寇子皓专题报道


发布于:2021-03-29 13:46:00 来源:综合


寇子皓,20世纪70年代初拜山水画家闫甫先生为师,学习传统山水画,对石涛、髡残、黄宾虹的技法研究颇深,远追元人山水笔意; 20世纪80年代初毕业于重庆建筑工程学院。无论是当知青、上大学,还是进机关、办企业,再忙都没有放松过对书法和山水画艺术的追求。寇子皓的作品入编《当代中国画名家全集—山水篇》《中国写生作品集》等典籍;刊登于《世界知识画报》《中 国收藏》《鉴藏》 《时代人物》《当代中 国画》《春城晚报》 等报刊; 2013年,作品《银杏村之秋》获得第13届纽约国际艺术博览会金奖;佳作《乌蒙烟云》被意大利国立阿尔贝蒂娜美术学院收藏;昆明电视台曾对其艺术成就进行专题采访。寇子皓在艺术创作中坚持“继承+创新”,主张心境主宰画境,强调正大气象;他在创作探求中,做到与生活相应、与时代合拍、与自然共鸣;在继承优秀文化传统的同时,又将中国文化的内蕴与现代理念有机结合,强调文化、强调人格、强调精神;其巨制宏幅的峻山雄川,取正、取大、取实、取雄强、取磅礴,作品展现出一种全新的正大气象。

In the early 1970s, kouzi Kuo studied traditional landscape painting under the guidance of landscape painter Mr. Yan Fu. He studied the techniques of Shi Tao, Kun can and Huang Binhong deeply and pursued the landscape style of Yuan people. He graduated from Chongqing Institute of architecture and Engineering in the early 1980s. No matter how busy I am, I have never relaxed my pursuit of calligraphy and landscape painting. Kou Zihao's works have been included in the complete works of contemporary Chinese painters landscape and Chinese sketching works; published in the world knowledge pictorial, China collection, Jiancang, time figures, contemporary Chinese painting, spring city evening news and other newspapers; in 2013, his work autumn of ginkgo village won the gold medal of the 13th New York International Art Expo; in 2013, he won the gold medal of the 13th New York International Art Expo; The excellent work "smoke and cloud in Wumeng" was collected by the National Academy of art of Albertina in Italy, and Kunming TV station had a special interview on its artistic achievements.Kou Zihao insists on "inheritance + innovation" in his artistic creation, advocates that mood dominates the painting, and emphasizes integrity; in his creative exploration, he corresponds with life, keeps pace with the times, and resonates with nature; while inheriting the excellent cultural tradition, he organically combines the connotation of Chinese culture with modern ideas, emphasizing culture, personality, and spirit; The majestic mountains and majestic rivers, which are made in a huge scale, show a brand-new atmosphere.

寇子皓:笔端飞扬存正气 德艺双修扬美德。走进新时代,踏上新征程。繁荣文艺创作、推动文艺创新,必须有大批德艺双馨的文艺名家,携手共进,合力促进文艺发展繁荣。

Kou ziliao: the pen is full of righteousness and virtue. Enter a new era and embark on a new journey. To prosper literary and artistic creation and promote literary and artistic innovation, we must have a large number of literary and artistic masters who are both virtuous and artistic, work together to promote the development and prosperity of literature and art.


Excellent works of literature and art give people value guidance, spiritual guidance and aesthetic enlightenment. Mr. Kou zikun, a world record well-known calligrapher and painter, has always adhered to his artistic ideal, constantly improved his learning, self-cultivation and self-cultivation, strengthened his accumulation of ideas, knowledge, cultural cultivation and artistic training, and comprehensively enhanced his artistic connotation, To promote the innovation and development of literature and art in the new era, Mr. Kou has not only a good professional quality, but also a noble personality cultivation and a sense of social responsibility. His works focus on social effects, emphasize taste, attach importance to art and morality, keep healthy for history, promote virtue for the world, and keep a clear name for himself. His excellent works with noble professional ethics, good social image and good quality have won the love and welcome of the masses of the people.


For many years, Kou zikun devoted himself to innovation and development, carrying forward the art of calligraphy and painting, contributing to cultural prosperity, persistently writing extraordinary achievements and achieving a better artistic life. A person who takes the creation of excellent calligraphy works as his career, devoting himself to enthusiasm and energy, working hard, indifferent to fame and wealth, selfless dedication, closely links his own future and destiny with the future and destiny of the country and the nation, interprets the height and depth of cultural vision with his unique works of art, and gives play to the sense of social responsibility and responsibility of excellent artists in the new era. Set a benchmark for literary and art work in the new era, constantly create positive energy works, and nourish the public mind with excellent culture and art.


Every artist, whether in the exploration period of artistic practice or in the mature period of artistic creation, can not ignore his implication and the needs of the times. As an advanced literary and artistic worker in the new era, Kou zikuo has devoted himself to carrying forward Chinese traditional culture and exploring artistic creative thinking for many years, opening a new way of thinking for artistic creative thinking, advancing with the times, bravely climbing the peak, constantly launching new literary and artistic works, expressing his yearning and enthusiasm for a better life with his pen, and his love for the motherland with positive energy works!


