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发布于:2020-10-23 16:06:00 来源:人民日报欧洲网





中国文联、书协、文化部文化艺术中心授予国家一级书法师称号。中国书法家协会授予“德艺双馨”艺术家和2018年度优秀书法名家称号。庆2019年澳门回归20年书法作品到澳门参展获金奖。首界2019中国北京中华艺术国际书画展忠《沁园春 雪》获一等奖。2020年全球华人名家书画荣获华人楷模2019艺术成就奖。

Guan Huilin, female, Manchu, was born in Beijing in 1932. She graduated from Renmin University of China. She is now a retired cadre in Tianjin and a member of Tianjin Calligrapher's Association. He is a member of Chinese Painting and calligraphy Association, a researcher of Chinese Collection Research Institute and Chinese Studies Association. Director of world Chinese calligrapher's Association, vice President of Chinese calligrapher's Research Association. Executive director of The Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, member of the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Art.

Taught in Tianjin by the calligrapher Chen Chuanwu, I was good at learning Wang Xizhi's running script "LAN Ting Preface" and Ouyang Xun's regular script. Since 1999, my lanting prologue has been compiled into the collection of fine Calligraphy and painting works of Macao's return sponsored by Tianjin Literary Federation and co-organized by Tianjin Calligraphers' Association. After that, various calligraphy and painting units have been invited to participate in the collection of fine calligraphy and painting works and won the gold, silver and first and second prizes. Up to now, it has been included in more than 100 volumes and has participated in the sale of 12 books. His calligraphy works have been exhibited and awarded in USA, Japan, Singapore and other countries. My calligraphy works have been exhibited in the National Museum, the CPPCC Hall, Beijing Zhongshan Park, Tianjin, and has been collected by some painting and calligraphy units.

Lanting Preface: won the International Outstanding Works Award in 2009 in the selection activities of World Chinese Exchange Association and World Culture and Art Research Center. Kaishu was awarded the gold medal in the fifth ouyang Consultation National Painting and Calligraphy Competition in May 2009. Usually many awards, and the above two major awards, indicating the winning experience.

China Federation of Literature and Art, Calligraphy Association, Culture and Art Center of the Ministry of Culture awarded the title of national first-class calligrapher. The Chinese Calligrapher's Association honored the artist as "Virtuous and Artistic" and the 2018 Outstanding Calligrapher of the Year. The calligraphy works of Macao 20 years after its return to China in 2019 won the gold medal in the exhibition in Macao. Qinyuan Spring Snow won the first prize in the 2019 Chinese Art International Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in Beijing, China. In 2020, global Chinese famous calligraphers and painters won the Chinese Model 2019 Artistic Achievement Award.

