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发布于:2015-01-19 09:43:00 来源:南方网


China Internet & E-Commerce Conference:Microshop


Three Trends of E-commerce in China


China E-commerce Triple Play:JD Alibaba Microshop


Recently, Morgan Stanley organized China Internet & E-Commerce Conference in Beijing and Shenzhen. The conference is recognized as the most influential Chinese Internet & E-Commerce Conference for its participants of 160-180 top investors from around the world and its exhibition of the brand new investment project.


The leading brand of e-commerce of mobile social network Microshop(OKWEI.COM) was invited to attend the event and it drew great attention from the world's top investors. Microshop model continues to motivate the commercial capital market. Besides Microshop, other influential E-Commerce brand such as Xiaomi, Jumei and JD.COM were invited in this conference.

据介绍,摩根士丹利的全球投资者中国互联网及电商峰会China Internet & E-Commerce Conference 是投资界公认最有影响力的中国互联网峰会,历届峰会有来自全球的160-180位顶级投资者参加。也是中国投资界最有影响力的项目路演峰会之一。路演名单显示,除了以微店网为代表的新锐电商品牌,出席本次路演的项目还包括小米、聚美优品、京东、前程无忧、携程网等其他中国重量级互联网平台。

Microshop co-founder Huangchong Jun: The three major trends in the Chinese E-Commerce market.


Microshop co-founder Huang analyzed the three major trends in the Chinese e-commerce market. Firstly, the traditional business and the E- Commerce providers will go through a third party platform to self-marketing media. Secondly, customers tend to obtain information from normal web searching to demand to Subscribe. Thirdly, mental model of online shopping customers will shift from ‘prices & bargain’ to ‘value & convenience’ oriented.


Huang Chongjun in the analysis pointed out that only small group of E-commerce providers occupy the majority of consumer resources therefore most traditional businesses is difficult to obtain great profit. Besides this, the emergence of mobile providers contribute to marketing through mobile phones and other mobile social media, it will gradually become a trend in marketin circles. It is believed that each businesses will eventually form their own marketing circles, their own distributors system, and through distributors to attract consumers.


Previous mental model of online shopping, price is king, most of the customers driven by promotions, but with the online shopping population levels of consumption, the focus of customer thinking will slowly transit to the value and convenience. Traditional e-commerce information stored in the mobile social media platform, passively waiting for consumers to search, so that consumers can subscribe to the desired product information by their own preferences, so that information is more efficient and more accurate flow.



Chinese E-Commerce Market will be pided into three


Huang pointed out that the E-Commerce provider, Jingdong Mall has comprehensive logistics and warehousing system, upstream procurement and supply chain efficiency, it can take place in the future of Chinese E-Commerce Markets.

Alibaba is China's leading brands, its data upstream suppliers, the number of goods as aspects overwhelmingly, in the short term will occupy an important position in Chinese market.

Microshop provided a model on mobile social network, representing a new force mobile Internet era, the core values of the microshop model is to provide the best E-Commerce provider channel and channels construction systems for global suppliers, including suppliers of traditional business, which accounted for 93% of retail market share, they will be the next target microsho customers, a huge blue ocean market.





Microshop changes E-commerce bussiness: the platform shocked Alibaba


Microshop co-founder Huang Chongjun introduced online microshop in 2013, it is the first proposed microshop concept of E-commerce platform in China (even Baidu Index has not included "micro shop" data), with the help of mobile Internet, microshop has the rapid growth of ten million registered users. So far, Microshop is the fastest growth of E-Commerce network platform in China.


In the Q & A session, investors said that each business on microshop responsible for merchandise inventory, logistics and customer service, then it is promote through the young Internet users, in this way, it refines the E-commerce provider pision, optimizing the traditional E-commerce sales and supply chain efficiency. This structural breakthrough is essentially different from the simple online micro-marketing.


Japanese media, "Nikkei News" reported in the headlines once about microshop model: "Let Alibaba shocked E-commerce business platform". Huang pointed that,he still appreciated the co-founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma, for his contribution of the foundational development of the E-commerce market for more than ten years. Huang even said that Jack Ma contributed a lot of infrastructure for the Chinese E-Commerce provider and cultivated a large Chinese online shopping market, making newcomers can stand the front line of the shoulders of a business giant like Jack Ma. Huang described Ma is a very strategic vision person, Ma can foresee the potential of enterprise it their early stage, and even understand their sales and marking pattern.

Microshop is not afraid of strong competitors, Huang said, no matter how powerful it cannot defeat a rival business because the products and services meet the needs of the market, by the customer favorite.


Insiders pointed out that in the context of the mobile Internet, micro-shop concepts and models will continue to be the lead. According to the official website describes the microshop, microshop has already attained large investment from a company in 2014, it proved that microshop earned a good recognition from the market, this is also one of the reason why it is sought after by many international investors in the conference.


